Author: shiroku
3pi Robot Line Box Bouncing
It’s a kind of subsumption architecture model. Looks smart like Roomba. But actually, really simple system. Environment Ubuntu 16.04 Pololu 3pi Robot (ATmega328P)
YOLO v3 with Onboard Camera on Jetson TX2
Environment Jetson TX2 Ubuntu 16.04 OpenCV 3.4.0 gcc 5.5.0 YOLO v3
Donkey Car at Last Mile Robotics
Attended “Deep Racing Events” at Menlo Park, CA to test Donkey Car. And finally, I completed autonomous mode in the long track. Environment Ubuntu 16.04 Raspberry Pi 3B+ DonkeyCar 2.5.1
CGI Server Test on Python3 with Camera and MPU9250
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3
How to Run FaBo9Axis_MPU9250 on Raspberry Pi with Python3
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 Stratux AHRS Sensor (MPU9250 + BMP280)
Simple LED Blink Program on ZYBO Z7
This is my memo about how did I run simple program on Zybo Z7 with this tutorial. Environment Ubuntu 16.04 ZYBO Z7 10 Vivado 2018.2