Tag: RaspberryPI
Ultrasonic Sensor on Raspberry Pi
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module 3.3V-5V Logic Level Converter CYT1076
Using I2C LCD on Raspberry Pi
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 SunFounder I2C LCD Module Display 16×2
Donkey Car at Last Mile Robotics
Attended “Deep Racing Events” at Menlo Park, CA to test Donkey Car. And finally, I completed autonomous mode in the long track. Environment Ubuntu 16.04 Raspberry Pi 3B+ DonkeyCar 2.5.1
CGI Server Test on Python3 with Camera and MPU9250
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3
How to Run FaBo9Axis_MPU9250 on Raspberry Pi with Python3
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 Stratux AHRS Sensor (MPU9250 + BMP280)
Donkey Car Setup
This is my memo to build a Donkey Car. Environment Ubuntu 16.04 Raspberry Pi 3B+ DonkeyCar 2.5.1