Author: shiroku

  • Three Tremendous Effects of Smartphones

    Smartphones are one of the greatest invention of human history. In January 2007, the world’s first smartphone named the “iPhone” was released by Apple in the U.S. Before this product was launched, people already had used some consumer electronics such as music players, feature phones, and personal computers. However, each device has just one specific…

  • Three Reasons to Save Money

    Saving money is the greatest invention of human history. In 30th century BC, the currency named the “shekel” was made by humans from Mesopotamia. Following that, some similar systems have been used for over 5,000 years. Currencies have made a big contribution to evolve the human economy. Ancestors invented it for measuring value, exchanging value,…

  • Three Reasons to Strict Gun Control

    Gun control should be changed more strict in the U.S. Some said, to own a gun is the right to save myself. However, to accept the possession of guns has three problems: a lot of people killed every years by guns, costs of preventing massacre are baneful effect for economy, and guns make a harmful…

  • The Flu

    H3N2—What You Need to Know About This Year’s Dangerous Flu Virus Skip’s ESL BITS – English Language Learning – ESL Listening Stories, Songs, Audiobooks Two articles from National Geographic and ESL-Bits talked about the flu. They showed some information about CDC, H3N2, and a universal vaccine. In the article from National Geographic, it compared H1N1…

  • Slow travel

    Slow travel The speaker is blogger. First he introduced common bloggers style about traveling. Normally, when they go to over sea to travel, they just stay one or two weeks and then go to another place. But, He suggested another way that if you go to another country, you should live there at long term…

  • How 3D Printing Helped Team USA Go for Gold

    How 3D Printing Helped Team USA Go for Gold At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, Chris Mazdzer of the U.S. got his silver medal in a men’s luge singles event. He and his team won the competition using 3D printing technology. There are three reasons aerodynamics, lightweight material, and comfort. First, the team worked…

  • TED Talk: The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven’t met yet

    Tanya Menon: The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven’t met yet | TED Talk I would like to introduce one episode from a TED Talk that was presented by Tanya Menon. The title is “The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven’t met yet”. In this presentation, she suggested to audiences to…

  • A Man’s Life

    ELLLO Views #897 A Man’s Life In this audio, a woman and a man talked about the best and the worst things about a being man. he man from England named Paul answered the woman’s questions. First, a being man had two bad things. One of them is the pressure from work.or example, men need…

  • Do You Have TV?

    If your answer is yes, you should care about your lifestyle because TVs have negative influence on people’s behavior. TVs were born in 1950’s and it have been spread explosively to ordinary homes until recent years. Thus almost people have a TV at their home. However, if you watch TV everyday, you will lose your…

  • Star Wars Episode VIII ‘The Last Jedi’

    It’s one of the best movies in the world. As you know, when George Lucas started making Star Wars, he decided that it would have just six episodes. Then, he made episode IV in 1977 as the first movie and episode III as last one in 2005. However, after 10 years, episode VII was released…