Tag: RaspberryPI
Run WebRTC Native Client Momo on Raspberry Pi 3B
Goal Download momo binary and run on Raspberry Pi 3B to see a Pi’s camera image on Host PC. Environment Server: Raspberry Pi 3B Client: X220 (Ubuntu 18.04) Momo: 19.07.0-rc0 Setup Camera Connect a camera to Pi $ vcgencmd get_camera supported=1 detected=1 # Should be like this Setup Library $ sudo apt-get install libnspr4 libnss3…
Raspberry Pi 3B Setup
Goal Install Lite Raspbian on Raspberry Pi 3B, and connect to Pi from Host PC using SSH. Environment Host PC: Ubuntu 16.04 Client PC: Raspberry Pi 3B Prepare SD card using Host PC Get Etcher to burn the image file. Get the Raspbian Stretch Lite from raspberrypi.org. Burn zip image file to a blank SD…
Flask Server Crypt Data Test on Raspberry Pi
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Stratux AHRS Sensor (MPU9250 + BMP280) Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 Flask 1.0.2 pycrypto 2.6.1
Using MQTT on Raspberry Pi
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 mosquitto 1.4.10 paho.mqtt 1.3.1
Draw Real Time Chart Using Epoch on Raspberry Pi
Environment Ubuntu 16.04 Python 3.6.2 Flask 0.12 D3.js v3.5.17 Epoch 0.8.4 gevent-websocket 0.10.1
Flask Server Test on Raspberry Pi for control LED
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 Flask 1.0.2
Flask Server Test on Raspberry Pi with FaBo9Axis_MPU9250
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Stratux AHRS Sensor (MPU9250 + BMP280) Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 Flask 1.0.2
CGI Server control Ultrasonic Sensor and I2C LCD on Raspberry Pi
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module 3.3V-5V Logic Level Converter CYT1076 SunFounder I2C LCD Module Display 16×2
Ultrasonic Sensor with I2C LCD on Raspberry Pi
Environment Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 Python 3 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module 3.3V-5V Logic Level Converter CYT1076 SunFounder I2C LCD Module Display 16×2